Prof. Danda B. Rawat
Howard University, Washington, DC
Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, College of Engineering & Arch
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS)
Director, DoD Center of Excellence in AI/ML, Data Science & Cybersecurity Center,
CWiNs Research Lab
Howard University, Washington, DC, 20059, USA
Ph: (202) 806-2209 | Web: |
E-mail: danda.rawat at howard dot edu
Google Scholar Profile | DBLP | LinkedIn | Brief Bio
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS)
Director, DoD Center of Excellence in AI/ML, Data Science & Cybersecurity Center,
CWiNs Research Lab
Howard University, Washington, DC, 20059, USA
Ph: (202) 806-2209 | Web: |
E-mail: danda.rawat at howard dot edu
Google Scholar Profile | DBLP | LinkedIn | Brief Bio
"The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday." US Navy SEALs
Dr. Danda B. Rawat is an Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies, a Full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS), Founding Director of the Howard University Data Science & Cybersecurity Center, Founding Director of DoD Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (CoE-AIML), Director of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (TruAI) Research Lab, Director of Cyber-security and Wireless Networking Innovations (CWiNs) Research Lab, and Director of Graduate Cybersecurity Certificate Program at Howard University, Washington, DC, USA. Dr. Danda B. Rawat successfully led and established the Research Institute for Tactical Autonomy (RITA), the 15th University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) of the US Department of Defense as the PI/Founding Executive Director at Howard University, Washington, DC, USA. Dr. Rawat is engaged in research and teaching in the areas of cybersecurity, machine learning, big data analytics and wireless networking for emerging networked systems including cyber-physical systems (eHealth, energy, transportation), Internet-of-Things, multi domain operations, smart cities, software defined systems and vehicular networks. Dr. Rawat has secured over $110 million as a PI and over $18 million as a Co-PI in research funding from the US National Science Foundation (NSF), US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), US National Security Agency (NSA), US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), National Institute of Health (NIH), US Department of Defense (DoD) and DoD Research Labs, Industry (Microsoft, Intel, VMware, PayPal, Mastercard, Meta, BAE, Raytheon etc.) and private Foundations. Dr. Rawat is the recipient of the US NSF CAREER Award, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Scientific Leadership Award, Presidents’ Medal of Achievement Award (2023) at Howard University, Provost's Distinguished Service Award 2021, Researcher Exemplar Award 2019 and Graduate Faculty Exemplar Award 2019 from Howard University, the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Summer Faculty Visiting Fellowship 2017, Outstanding Research Faculty Award (Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity) at GSU in 2015, the Best Paper Awards (IEEE CCNC, IEEE ICII, IEEE DroneCom and BWCA) and Outstanding PhD Researcher Award in 2009. He has delivered over 100 Keynotes and invited speeches at international conferences and workshops. Dr. Rawat has published over 300 scientific/technical articles and 11 books. Dr. Rawat has successfully supervised and graduated 35 PhD students (out of which 28 were under-represented PhD students including 13 female PhD students), successfully supervised 30+ MS students and mentored 4 postdocs, and has been supervising 25 PhD students and mentoring 4 postdocs. Furthermore, he has successfully mentored over 120 minority undergraduate students. He has been serving as an Editor/Guest Editor for over 100 international journals including the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Associate Editor of Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions of Service Computing, Editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Editor of IEEE Communications Letters, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions of Network Science and Engineering and Technical Editors of IEEE Network, and Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. He has been in Organizing Committees for several IEEE flagship conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE CNS, IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM and so on. He served as a technical program committee (TPC) member for several international conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE CCNC, IEEE GreenCom, IEEE ICC, IEEE WCNC and IEEE VTC conferences. He served as a Vice Chair of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Savannah Section from 2013 to 2017. Dr. Rawat received the Ph.D. degree from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Dr. Rawat served as a Graduate Program Director of Howard Computer Science Graduate Programs (2017 - 2025). Dr. Rawat is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Lifetime Professional Senior Member of ACM, a Lifetime Member of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), a Champion Member of USENIX (The Advanced Computing Systems Association), a lifetime member of SPIE, a member of ASEE, a member of AAAS, a member of SAE International, and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). He is an ACM Distinguished Speaker and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (FNTC and VTS).
With a $90M USAF contract, Howard University will lead a new defense tech research center (successfully led and established by Founding Executive Director & PI Prof. Danda B. Rawat)
With $7.5M, the US DoD/US Army funded the AI Center of Excellence led by the Center Director/PI Prof. Danda B. Rawat at Howard University
I am looking for self-motivated PhD students to join my research group. If you are interested in working on challenging problems, please feel free to apply to our PhD programs (ECE or CS) at Howard University. I may not reply to your email until I find an overlap between your interests/expertise and my needs.
What's New!
Invited to served as a Mentor/Speaker/Panelist at the NSF NeTS Early Career Investigators Workshop, January 15-16, 2025 | National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA
Invited to served as a Mentor/Speaker/Panelist at the NSF CISE MSI Aspiring PI Workshop, UNT, Dec 12-13, 2024
IEEE TCCN Exemplary Editor Award from IEEE ComSoc, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Nov. 2024.
Exemplary Service Award from the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (IEEE TPS) and IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI) collocated with the IEEE CIC 2024, October 28 - 30, 2024, The Darcy Hotel, Washington D.C., USA
Executive Chair, The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (IEEE TPS) and IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI) collocated with the IEEE CIC 2024, October 28 - 30, 2024, The Darcy Hotel, Washington D.C., USA
TPC Co-Chair, IEEE HealthCom (IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services), November 18-20, 2024, Nara, Japan.
TPC Co-Chair, The 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2024), Paris, France, 9 - 11 October, 2024
Dr. Rawat was invited to FAA Drones and Advanced Air Mobility Panel on August 1, 2024 in Baltimore, MD to represent academia and present current status and future directions....
Successfully supervised and graduated 34 PhD students (including 28 underrepresented/minority students: 15 African-American/minority PhD students, 13 female/minority PhD students) by May 2024.
Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as an Editor for IEEE Communications Letters
Received $90 million DoD research contract to establish the Research Institute for Tactical Autonomy (RITA) - a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) of the US Department of Defense
Dr. Rawat delivered an invited talk on "Artificial Intelligence Meets Tactical Autonomy: Challenges and Perspectives" at 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (IEEE CogMI 2022) on December 16, 2022.
Dr. Rawat was invited to deliver a keynote on "Tactical Autonomy: Status, Challenge and Perspectives" at IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM Workshop), November 28, 2022.
Dr. Rawat was invited to a "Roundtable Discussion with DoD, Industry, Academia and Congress on the Future of Defense Autonomy – Technologies & Policies to Support the Warfighter," October 28, 2022.
We received $5 million funds from Mastercard Inc. to work on Data Science and Cybersecurity for financial services in January 2022.
I am one of the Co-PIs for $15 million grant (Howard part out of ~$90 million) funded by NIH for AIM-AHEAD grant, August 2021.
Serving as an Advisory Board Member for MID (Mobility Innovation District)
We received $7.5 million research funding for DoD Center of Excellence in AI/ML from DoD in August 2020.
We received $300,000 research gift funds from Microsoft Corp. in 2021/2022 to support integrated cybersecurity and AI/ML for Internet of Things.
We received $300,000 research gift funds from VMware in 2022 to support next generation wireless communications and networking research.
We received $300,000 research gift funds from Meta/Facebook in 2022 to support integrated cybersecurity and AI/ML for Internet of Things.
We received $300,000 research gift funds from Meta/Facebook in 2022 to support integrated cybersecurity and AI/ML for Internet of Things.
We received $100,000 research gift funds from PayPal in 2021 to support cybersecurity for Internet of Things.
We received $3.75 million research funding for our collaborative project for "Artificial Intelligence Driven Cybermanufacturing of Quantum Material Architectures" from National Science Foundation (NSF) in August 2020. (with USC and Harvard)
We received $300k research funding for the project for "Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity" from SaTC Program of National Science Foundation (NSF) in July 2020.
We received $450k research funding for cybersecurity research and education from National Security Agency (NSA) in June 2020.
Dr. Rawat was invited to give a Keynote on "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Emerging Systems and Applications: The Triumph and Tribulation" at The 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS2020), October 25-28, 2020, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Dr. Rawat was invited to give a Keynote on "Blockchain Technology: Emerging Applications and Use Cases for Smart Systems" at The 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and ICT-Convergence 2020 South Korea, Aug 13, 2020.
Dr. Rawat will be giving a tutorial on "Wireless Virtualization for Enhancing Network Capacity, Coverage, Energy Efficiency and Security for 5G and Beyond" at 2020 IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF’20), 10-12 September 2020.
Dr. Rawat was invited to serve as a Workshop Co-Chair, IEEE INFOCOM 2021, 10-13 May 2021, Vancouver, Canada.
Dr. Rawat was early promoted to a full professor.
Dr. Rawat served as a TPC Co-Chair, IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 Workshop on 5G and Beyond Wireless Security (IEEE Wireless-Sec 2020), 7-11 December 2020, Taipei, Taiwan
We received $3 million research funds to support the collaborative research on "Data-driven Cybersecurity Analytics, Forensics and Protection (DCAFP)" by patterning with two other institutions from DoE's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) in September 2019.
Dr. Rawat was invited to give a Keynote on at IEEE INFOCOM 2020 Workshop (BlockSecSDN: Blockchain for Secure Software Defined Networking in Smart Communities) on Blockchain: Emerging Applications and Use Cases for Smart Communities, July 6, 2020.
Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Enabled Reconfigurable Wireless Networks CFP, Deadline October 1, 2020.
Guest Editor, Special issue on Deep Neuro-Fuzzy Analytics for Intelligent Big Data Processing in Smart Ecosystems, Neural Computing and Applications
TPC Co-Chair, The IEEE 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IEEE IRI 2020), August 11 - 13, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Distinguished Member of the 2020 INFOCOM Technical Program Committee of the IEEE INFOCOM 2020
Distinguished Member of the IEEE INFOCOM 2020 Technical Program Committee, 2019.
General Chair, Eighth International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC'20), Chennai, India, October 14-17, 2020.
Track Chair for the Selected Areas in Communications-TI-Track for IEEE ICC 2020, 7-11 June 2020, Dublin, Ireland.
Demo Co-Chair for IEEE CCNC 2020, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 10-13 January 2020, Las Vegas, USA.
Workshop Co-Chair for IEEE 5G Wireless Security(5GSec), 9-13 Dec. 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA.
Publication Co-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2019, 29 April - 2 May 2019, Paris, France.
TPC Vice Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2018, 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA
We received $1 million research funding to support the research on "Security Engineering for Resilient Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems" from National Science Foundation (NSF) in June 2018.
We received funding to support the research on "FastChain: Light Weight Blockchain Technology for IoBT" from US Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) and ODU in November 2018.
We received funding to support the research on "Security Engineering with Distributed Machine Learning for Adversarial Resiliency" from Intel Inc. in June 2018.
Dr. Rawat was invited to give a Keynote on "Security and Privacy in Mobile Networked Systems" at IEEE MobiSec 2018 on April 16, 2018 in Honolulu, HI, USA.
Dr. Rawat received Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Scientific Leadership Award in 2017 and $1.2 million research funding to support the research on "Security Engineering for Resilient Networked Critical Infrastructure" from US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in August 2017.
Dr. Rawat received NSF CAREER Award and $400k research funding to support the research on "CAREER: Leveraging Wireless Virtualization for Enhancing Network Capacity, Coverage, Energy Efficiency and Security" from National Science Foundation (NSF) in February 2016. Received $16k supplement research funding from NSF in March 2017.
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